Real name:
Main Profile
Cell Phone:
1. INTERPRETER, WRITER,TRANSLATOR: incl. verbal and written: Spanish (Castellano & Latin-American Spanish), Chinese: Native speaker in Mandarin and some Cantonese and Taiwanese dialects. French and Italian from having lived, worked and traveled in Spain, France, Italy, Germany, and the Netherlands. Also taught Spanish and Chinese at university, community college and high school levels in the US.
2. Worked and consulted in International corporations including: Lockheed, IBM, AT&T, and CT Ingenieros (Spain) with understanding of corporate culture, interpersonal relations, and sensitive to cultural issues.
3. Connoisseur/Consultant - in Art, Dance, Furniture and Furnishings, set design and Floral design
4. Studio Roles/Assignments - I can assist/manage studio production with my expertise listed below:
a. Multilingual and Management Consultant
b. Simultaneous Interpreter - for set workers, carpenters, actors, extras, makeup, set decorators, etc.)
c. Logistics Facilitator; Movie Set Consultant/Reader (in multiple languages), Stress Reliever/Manager; Set Design/Decorator, including period florals, furniture, art, architecture - American, Chinese and European.
5. I can work at multiple sites: Seattle and Los Angeles
Benefits to ANY Studio: I can perform Multiple roles/ languages for the price of ONE!!!
B.A. and M.A. in Languages and Literature including: Spanish, Latin-American, American, British, French and Italian
Lived, traveled and worked in the US, Spain, Italy, France, Taiwan and China since childhood due to my father's career in the diplomatic corps.