Bret Hampton




Edited segments for ABC, Showtime

Special Edition Home Videos for Disney, Fox, MGM including Mary Poppins, Aliens, Toy Story, Star Wars, The Sound of Music, The King and I, South Pacific, Mrs. Doubtfire, The Day the Earth Stood Still, New York, New York and classic tv series The Twilight Zone, Pee Wee's Playhouse, Combat, 

Home video versions of Discovery and Travel Channel series such as Mythbusters, Deadliest Catch, Passport to Europe, Dirty Jobs, Bizarre Foods, Man v Food, eetc.

Built segments for The Oscars montage sequences.

Restored many classic and silent films such as Citizen Kane, (Charlie Chaplin) The Kid, (Buster Keaton) The General, Birth of a Nation, etc. Nominated twice for Best 2018 DVD at Cinema Ritrovato Film Festival in Italy.

Edited the original GLOW tv series that inspired the current Netflix revival. 

Edited and recorded numerous home video audio commentaries for Alien, Star Wars, Toy Story, etc.

Produced Special Editions of Escape from New York, (John Wayne) The Comancheros,, Billy Wilder's The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, Leatherface-Texas Chainsaw Massacre III.

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